As lots of people end up finding out in any flood-stricken area , having a good insurance policy covering their house was a great idea. After the flood waters tore up most of the property, homeowners had some recourse and now many of them are back in new homes courtesy of the insurance companies. Here are some tips to help you find solid insurance for your home.
Protect yourself with liability coverage on your policy. Replacing or repairing your property is part of your policy, but you need to make sure that you have enough liability coverage to keep you protected. For example, if a guest at your home falls down and is injured your guest’s insurance company may hold you responsible for the medical bills. It is recommended to have at least $300,000 of liability coverage.
Monitor your credit score and history to keep your home owner’s insurance premiums as low as possible. Many carriers now consider credit history as a factor in determining rates, so even if you have been with a company for some time, changes in your credit report can affect the amount of premium charged.
After purchasing your homeowner’s insurance policy, go around your home and take photographs of your belongings so you have a visual inventory. Store these photos in a fireproof safe or at a relative’s house. These photographs will help the insurance company document your claims, and help you get your money faster.
Some features of your home will have an impact on your homeowner’s insurance costs, no matter how well you maintain your home. For instance, if you own a swimming pool, your insurance cost will automatically be higher because of the increased liability. Your home’s distance from emergency services such as fire hydrants also affects the cost of your coverage. This is not to suggest you should pick your home where the insurance cost is lowest, but you should be aware that these factors have an impact on cost.
Always keep safety in mind in your rental, in order to keep the costs down on your renter’s insurance. Having fire detectors, burglar alarms and fire extinguishers on your property, can net you a significant discount on your premiums. It may also save your life, so be sure to invest in these items and learn how to use them and keep them up to date.
Double check your coverage so no surprises come up. If you live in a flood plain or other area vulnerable to floods, buy coverage specifically for this. Most home owner’s coverage does not include flood damage. Exclude certain items from coverage if you tend to be careful with your belongings. Cameras and bicycles drive up your insurance cost, so see how much your rates drop if you exclude these items.
Now that you have some solid insurance tips to use, the next step is to get out there and actually work with an insurance company until you have the best policy possible, to cover your house and the belongings in it. Just use the tips you learned here and you should be able to save a