NC Property Damage Claim Process

Understanding the Homeowners Insurance NC Property Damage Claim Process

We know that the best way to avoid storm damage is to disaster-proof our home or business, however, what happens once the damage is done? The only option is to file an North Carolina homeowners insurance claim. Filing an North Carolina insurance claim might be a mystery but with American Property Loss on your side, this post-disaster process can run swiftly and smoothly.

First protect your NC Property from further damage


Sadly, there are always some bad apples out there that view disasters, either local or widespread, as an opportunity to profit. If you home or business has been burglarized during or after your property loss, your first step should be to contact the police and not touch anything until they have completed their crime investigation. You don’t want to destroy or compromise evidence that might lead to the burglar being convicted of a crime.

Prevent Further Damage with Temporary Repairs

Temporary Repairs - Wind Damage

Temporary Repairs - Wind Damage

You may also have to make temporary repairs to prevent further damage from occurring. As far as the insurance company is concerned, if you were aware of something that was slightly damaged and didn’t take the necessary precautions to prevent further disrepair, they won’t pay for it. For example, if you know there’s a leak in your roof, and the weatherman says a storm is coming, get a tarp. If that small hole in the roof becomes a huge gaping tear that results in the destruction of your home, your homeowners insurance claim can be denied on the basis of your negligence.

If you hire a contractor to make temporary repairs, keep the receipts for your North Carolina homeowners insurance claim. These repairs are a part of your overall settlement and if too much is paid before permanent repairs begin there may not be enough funds left in your settlement to cover other expenses.

Roof inspection and repair

Beware of service companies that offer to “help” you

Many service companies will arrive to offer you assistance and will have answers to all of your problems.  Be cautious of contractors and restoration companies, as well as loss consultants that aggressively approach you. Take the time to call the local Better Business Bureau and check references to establish their qualifications. Make certain that the loss consultant is licensed in your area and is a member of The National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA).

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