Flood Damage - The High Water Mark
Because NFIP policyholders continue to encounter difficulties filing timely proofs of loss as a result of the unusual conditions occurring after Hurricane Irene, I am providing a second limited waiver of the time period for filing the proof of loss and hereby authorize an additional 60-day extension of the time period within which a policyholder must file a complaint proof of loss with the NFIP insurer to Hurricane Irene – Notice of Extension of Time for Sending Proofs of Loss in the States of CT, DE, DC, GA, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, NC, PA, RI, SC, VT, VA with Dates of Loss between August 26, 2011 and September 4, 2011 be eligible for payment of the flood insurance claim. With this extension an NFIP policyholder will have a total of 150 days after the date of loss to send the completed, signed, and sworn-to proof of loss to the insurer.
This extension shall apply to all claims for flood damage arising out of Hurricane Irene to NFIP-insured buildings and their insured contents in the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Washington, DC, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, and Virginia.
Under the SFIP, the NFIP policyholder who incurred a flood loss on August 26, 2011, was required to send the proof of loss to the insurer by October 25, 2011. With this second limited waiver and extension, the same policyholder now has until January 23, 2012, to send the proof of loss.